Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Five Vance Laughlins Yelling "Three Strikes and Somehow I'm Not Out!"

As we continue to examine the epic failure that was the Stewart Detention Center under Vance Laughlins leadership we will examine yet another failed audit.

In December of 2008 the Georgia Detention Watch conducted an independent review of the Stewart Detention Facility using ICE guidelines as a basis. While they did not have the same access as the first two groups, they did turn up many of the same issues. Taken together all three of the audits seem to paint a remarkably similar picture of a facility in which ICE contract mandated requirements (ICE Detention Standards) were not being met. It seems like the facility, ICE and CCA failed to take any of these results seriously and failed to make many if any corrective action's based off of the findings leading to a third group making several of the same observations. One can only wonder what it takes for Corrections Corporation of America to fire a Warden or ICE to actually enforce contract requirements with a private for-profit contracted company like Corrections Corporation of America.

The Georgia Detention Watch groups report can be found here.