Thursday, December 23, 2010

Three Vance Laughlins Allowing HR Departments To Abuse Staff

We have heard allegations that Vance Laughlins HR Department in Natchez is a mess. Oddly this to seems like a common theme with Vance. At the Stewart Detention Center Vance's HR department was causing employees all kind of grief. This allegedly lead to staff members vandalising the HR Managers car because they were so fed up. Vance Laughlin then had to assign Managers assigned parking spots just to get his HR Manager a spot on camera because of all the alleged vandalism to her car.

Speaking personally I know how inefficient and vindictive the HR Manager at the Stewart Detention Center was. Vance Laughlin received numerous complaints and seemed to do absolutely nothing to resolve them. This was a HR Manager that would loose your checks, short your paycheck and even pay you for less hours than the Warden had signed off on weekly time sheets. It seemed like the HR Manager would do whatever she felt like to cause staff members grief on more than one occasion. It could take days or weeks to get your back pay. I know for a fact that this went on even at the holidays and if you complained it would even take longer. Vance Laughlin would repeatedly tell you that you would be getting your back pay in a day or two but it would never show up. On at least one occassion his boss at the corporate office was asked about the missing back pay that Vance had allegedly talked to him about getting fixed, but he was not even aware of the problem. Apparently at times Vance Laughlin was less than honest in trying to fix things like employees missing pay.

Adams County Correctional Facility employees from Natchez County, Mississippi have contacted this blog to allege that the same time of activities are going on at ACCF. It's a shame that CCA corporate staff seems to have such a sorry history of addressing concerns like this. I wish these employees luck but sadly I can not see either Vance Laughlin or CCA corporate staff addressing them. These types of personal abuses of power seem acceptable in the CCA working world. These issues could easily be addressed if CCA corporate staff would allow workers to contact them directly through an 800 number. But by making them go through a facility HR department and facilities Warden it allows a culture of abuse to possibly take shape with little to no chance of workers getting there HR issues resolved.

All opinions and allegations expressed here are just that. Please cross check anything you read before forming your own decision.